Symposium: 2021 Tokyo Forum on Dispute Resolution~Enhancing the principles of dispute resolution in the digital economy” (Dec. 7 and 8)
NOV 18 , 2021
Co-organized by UNCITRAL, ICSID and Ministry of Justice of Japan, “2021 Tokyo Forum on Dispute Resolution~Enhancing the principles of dispute resolution in the digital economy” will be held virtually on December 7th and 8th, 2021.
This symposium features:
Launching of UNCITRAL’s project on Stocktaking of Developments in Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy (DRDE); and
ICSID’s Rules Amendment project and Investor-State Disputes in the digital era.
Please see the flyer below for more information and registration.
To find out more about the BIOs of the speakers in each session, please click the links below.